Monday, August 31, 2009

HAA Guest Speaker Series: Greg Preston

Join us September 15th for our general meeting where renowned photographer and author Greg Preston (on of Vegas' very own) will share stories, anecdotes, and wisdom about his recent publication
The Artist Within. A labor of love whose contents took over 15 years to assemble, The Artist Within gives a rare glimpse into the hearts, minds, and studios of the industry's most talented and reclusive cartoonists and animators. It is a lovingly-assembled, candid homage to pioneers and masters of a wildly imaginative craft. Preston's rare and exclusive personal accounts feature the talents and perspectives of luminaries such as Frank Miller, Al Hirschfeld, Joe Barbera, Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Moebius, Walter and Louise Simonson, and many others.

When not traveling the country, capturing other artists and their work on film (or disk, these days), Preston and his wife Sharon Sampsel run a wonderful, family-oriented, and eponymous photography business on the west side of Las Vegas. They specialize in professional commerical and advertising photography but, honestly, do way more than that.

The Artist Within will be available for purchase at the HAA general meeting and can also be found on Amazon: The Artist Within (9781593075613): Greg Preston: Books

The general meeting will be held in the Wells Fargo Building at 112 Water Street, Henderson, NV from 6:00 pm till 8:30 on Tuesday, September 15th.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

HAA General Meeting: September 15th

Sometimes it's tough to get by without a gallery space. But it's never impossible. Current HAA members, members of other local art organizations, Henderson business owners, and anyone who's got a love for creativity are all invited to our September general meeting, just under one month from today. We will begin at 6:00 pm and go until 8:30. If you can't come for the whole time, that's just fine. Come and stay as long as you can. The general meeting will be held in the Wells Fargo Building at 112 Water Street, Henderson, NV, in the heart of the Water Street District.

HAA t-shirts will be on-hand and for sale. They come in S, M, L, and XL. So far we have sold over 65 of them and raised over $1200 in donations. They are being worn in LA, NYC, Palm Springs, Houston, Austin, right here in Vegas and Henderson, and in other fair cities around the country. I've gotten more free hugs than I can count. Support the cause. Buy one or several. Feel the love.

Refreshments will be served. Details on the agenda to come.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This week: August Third Thursday in Henderson

Summer's cooling off—a little. May as well get outside before people start complaining that it's too cold. Here are a few photos (courtesy of Susanne Reese, Plaza Gallery) from last month's Third Thursday.

RAFI Architecture is kindly hosting another reception this month, making this the third month in a row. On your way down to the Events Plaza this Thursday evening, August 20th, stop by 155 S. Water Street in Henderson, NV. Second floor. Receptions typically begin at 5:30 pm and go till 8:00 pm. This art show will remain on display until September 9th. The artists and community could always use your support. Don't be one of the disappointed few who miss it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

In a Down Economy, HAA Membership is Up.

There are a few new names and faces among us and several familiar ones. Please welcome new HAA members Guillaume Guy, Suzanne K. Marsden, and Joseph Watson. While you're at it, welcome back returning members Edwin "Ed" Davis, Barbara Hunter, James T. Jarrett, Judy Jensen, Dorothy Slikker, Melinda Stanley, Shu-hsin "Sophia" Wu, and Kathleen Cantwell Yanez.

If you are a new member and you don't see your name mentioned here, rest assured, as soon as your jury process is complete and your dues have been submitted, you will receive a warm artist-to-artist shout out. Stay creative.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

HAA Board Meeting is Here

The HAA Board will be meeting Monday, August 3rd from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Henderson Business Resource Center (112 Water Street, Suite 100 of the Wells Fargo Building) in Henderson, NV. Contact HAA President Deborah Mays with any questions.

An HAA general meeting is scheduled for September 15th and will be held at the same location from 6:00 pm till 8:30 pm. Please note it on your calendars. All current members and prospective members and artists are encouraged to attend.