Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Have a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year

A warm Christmas greeting and holiday wish from HAA member Nabila Khanam (featuring her lovely granddaughter). Her sentiments are echoed by the rest of us. 2010 marks the beginning of a new decade. Here's hoping it brings with it much joy and prosperity.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Join us this evening for an artists reception at the Meridian Building (155 Water Street) and the usual line-up of wonderful family activities surrounding the Henderson Events Plaza in the heart of the Water Street District.

The Meridian Building is located at 155 South Water Street in Henderson, NV.

See photos from last month's celebration here:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Reminder: Winterfest in Henderson Starts Thursday, December 10th.

See the previous post with more details here:

Visit either of these sites for a full list and schedule of events:

Monday, December 7, 2009

November Third Thursday Revisited

Photos courtesy of HAA members Susanne Reese and Nabila Khanam.

Each month artists unite in the heart of the Water Street District to provide art education outreach for ARTsWALK families and Boys and Girls Clubs of Henderson, NV. November's Third Thursday celebration was especially memorable. As it took place just over two weeks ago on the 19th, Santa descended upon southern Nevada and graced all children, patrons, and art lovers with his presence.

Susanne Reese, founder of the ARTsWALK, and many other dedicated artists and vendors hosted 50 children in and around the Henderson Events Plaza and the Gibson Library. There was supervised chalk art, visitors created their own magical wooden turkeys, and a lively reception to debut a newly-hung artists' show was being held at the same time, right up the street at the Meridian building. Despite the falling temperatures and the sun setting a little earlier each day, the crowds were out in full effect and a good time was had by all.

Special thanks to Miley Achievement Center for helping visitors decorate their Water Street District bags, to Charity League mothers and daughters for hosting art pages and handing out the monthly WSD art lesson packets, to Blue Star Mothers who helped children write letters to the men and women who are proudly serving our country. Thanks also to Sue, Andre, Beth, Jackie, and all others who were there to help visitors be as creative and involved as possible.

Storytellers Madcap Mythmakers will be a part of future Third Thursday celebrations. December Third Thursday (17th) will be here before you know it and Winterfest kicks off this week. Revisit that post here:

Mark your calendars and check in early and often here to find out what's coming up next.

See all photos on our Facebook fan page: Facebook | Henderson Art Association

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait. (Even In An Economy As Slow As This.)

Had someone told artist Sharon Menary that she'd be making a fantastic sale to a relatively new and unestablished connection in the middle of one of the worst economies in recent history, she probably would have laughed and turned the other cheek. So, when it happened, she was just as surprised as the next unsuspecting creative person.

"I asked a friend to recommend a financial advisor," she says. "I only said that I was an artist in our conversations, but my web page is on my signature line. The next time I talked to him, he said that he was interested in buying Jelly Bean Jungle—I really didn't think he was serious, but just being kind."

Menary went on to ask her prospect if he was really interested in her painting and he responded "absolutely." Despite his seeming desire to add her piece to the body of work (his children's) in his office space, she was still not convinced, that is, until the full amount for the price she'd quoted showed up in her checking account via wire transfer.

Shocked and excited, Sharon has always been proud of her work and no stranger to sales but even this was enough to counter the effects of the relatively slow times that we have all been facing. In keeping with our recent theme of befriending the web, being more social, and leveraging our connectivity, she gives credit where credit is due by exclaiming "I actually sold a piece from the internet. :)" and pays homage to good things coming her way with the following quote "Faith is the assurance hoped for; the conviction of things not seen."

More of Sharon's work may be viewed at her site: www.sharonmenary.com

Here's to a prosperous 2010.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Henderson 2009 Winterfest Is Almost Here.

Winterfest is right around the corner. Dust off your woolen coat, grab a scarf, and head down to the Henderson Events Plaza with your whole family on December 10th-12th. You don't want to pass this up.

The celebration kicks off Thursday evening with the "Sounds of the Season" concert by the Henderson Symphony Orchestra. Then the next two days will be filled with events including the 1st Annual Festival of Trees, the Gingerbread House Contest, the Tree Lighting, Santa's Arrival (Officially. He already made one appearance on Water Street two weeks ago.), "The Nutcracker," and the Winterfest Annual Holiday Parade, with two major cash prizes.

Partake in a wide variety of ethnic foods and admire crafts from an impressive 65 vendors. There will be ice skating, a petting zoo, pony rides, wagon rides, train rides, storytelling, and plenty of other children's activities. Miss it and you'll have to wait 12 more months.

Winterfest will take place at the Henderson Convention Center and Events Plaza on South Water Street in the heart of the Water Street District in Henderson, NV. Find a full list of events and their respective times at either of these two sites:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

General Meeting A Resounding Success: Guest Speaker. Cookies. Double Dose of Goodness.

HAA President Deborah Mays covers off items on the evening's agenda before setting the stage for social media authority and guest speaker Brian Mosko. Photos courtesy of HAA members Nabila Khanam and Dana Satterwhite.

On Monday evening, November 23rd, Brian Mosko, the second in our ongoing HAA Guest Speaker Series, couldn't respond to raised hands and the rapid-fire hail of questions from the enraptured crowd quickly enough. He stood poised at the front of the room, cell phone receiving a never-ending stream of texts and tweets on the table by his side, as he reminded artists of the power the internet has given us as we establish personal and professional connections online. The conversation began with the basic benefits of having a website and learning to use the web to one's advantage. Eventually four of the top ranking social media sites (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube) became central to the discussion as viable (and free) communication and self-promotion vehicles. But, honestly, just as the dialogue began to heat up, time ran out. Eyes remained wide and mouths agape, as we all realized how much untapped potential is right there at our disposal and, literally, our fingertips.

After Brian's stellar presentation, there wasn't much time left to discuss anything. Before, several topics were covered including a recent art sale by HAA board member Sharon Menary, upcoming shows, and the timing for the next meeting. It's looking like we will bypass December in light of the holidays and time the next general meeting for mid-January. Former HAA Hospitality Chair Beth McCall was not present at this meeting, so the wonderful fare she usually provides was noticeably absent. Two pieces of good news, though, are attached to this. One, Beth has since accepted the HAA Education Chair position and, two, local bakers and entrepreneurs Greg Shiver and Cleo Allen were kind enough to prepare and hand-deliver three Heavenly Dozens of Angie's Gourmet Oatmeal Cookies which filled the void and a few growling stomachs.

In the spirit of continuing the theme of social networking, become a fan at the AGOC Facebook Fan Page: Facebook | ANGIE'S GOURMET OATMEAL COOKIES

Thank you again, Brian, for a much-anticipated and long-overdue discussion. Thank you, Findlay Toyota, for opening your doors and providing a beautifully-appointed meeting space. Thank you, members, for attending.

This discussion was just popular enough that we may have to have Brian back again. Get ready for the next one. Now that we're a little more enlightened, spread the word by way of Facebook and Twitter. Post and tweet with reckless abandon. I kid, but not really.