Please join us Wednesday, September 29th for an artists reception at the Henderson Multigenerational Center's Liberty Point Gallery. The hour-long reception will begin at 6:30 pm and kicks off a themed show entitled "Saturation." Work will remain on display until October 26th, 2010. HAA artists represented are Linda Celona, Vina Curtis, Shirley Jeane, Nabila Khanam, Yoko Konopik, Deborah Mays, Sharon Menary, Kathleen Mullinnix, Wendy Rountree, Dorothy Fenner, Jo Firm, and Jan Schaeffer.
The Henderson Multigenerational Center is located at 250 S. Green Valley Parkway and open Monday through Friday from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Sunday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Enjoy the show and thanks to all for hanging and participating.