Born in Port Huron, Michigan, HAA member and artist Colin Pringle creates images that speak easily for themselves. But the man himself has a few things to say about his work.
"Art is the sum total of accumulated knowledge of man as expressed in any audio, visual, or physical form. I have devoted a lifetime to the pursuit of beauty—not just natural beauty, but those things generally considered not beautiful. Whether I have succeeded, I leave to the judgment of history and mankind. All I know is that I would consider myself to have succeeded if my epitaph were to read 'He saw beauty, kindness, and sensitivity in all things.'"
Colin has pursued his craft at over a half dozen renowned colleges, universities, and art institutes, including Art Center School in Los Angeles, California Institute of Fine Arts in San Fernando, and the University of Heidelburg in Heidelburg, Germany.
He has shown work in countless solo exhibitions and several pieces of his are held in an impressive set of private collections, including those of Kevin Costner, Marilyn Monroe, Liberace, President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy, President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan, and the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
See more of Colin Pringle's work here: PaintingsDirect Presents Colin Pringle
Are these all paintings! They are absolutely incredible. They look like photos. Congrats.
They were from my uncle! Absolutely Talented
Collin, was a good man, a genuine caring heart. I loved him dearly as a friend, his memories he shared of his close friendships and times with James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, Marilyn Monroe and many others. His detailed accounts of Kevin Costner’s paintings, One of my favorites was about where n how Red Skeleton did a lot of painting, and it was his favorite place.. it was sitting in his swimming pool. Living history it was, as Collin was very much part of, I was with Collin and kept a close eye on him up to the very evening he passed away. Collin stopped smoking because the COPD was very bad, the problem to Collin was.. When he didn’t smoke his hands became very shaky, his fingers began to curl, he couldn’t paint “at all”, but lord as my witness I seen it, he would smoke and he would paint, and he was alive very much when he painted, he knew the ramifications of this, but to paint was happy n living, not to paint was a stress upon him. I worried tremendously anyways as he would cough almost violently, without complaint.I drove him to the hospital one day about 8 weeks after painting again, the coughing was hard on him, he went into a rehab so to say .. for about a week, he was doing well, very well.. He called me one evening and was elated , he as I also was told he’s doing good and is going home the following morning, I was to pick him up bring him to his apt. A few hrs before I was to go get him, I got a call .. Telling me… something happened that morning and was on his way back to the hospital, where shortly after his arrival his heart just seemed to give out.. I truly believe the thought of never painting again was extremely painful, he asked the lord to take him, in which I believe he did.. I wept then and I wept now, My apologies if I’ve carried on to much, I just wanted those out there to know him as I did. I will always celebrate his friendship. Love and miss you my brother, but when I see your paintings, I am elated and alive . Ern..
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