Like a ghost, ghoul, The Great Pumpkin rising from the pumpkin patch, or anything reminiscent of mid to late October, this month's Third Thursday just sort of snuck up on us. Stop by RAFI Architecture tomorrow night (October 15th) for yet another wonderful artist's reception and seasonal celebration. 155 South Water Street, Suite 220, Henderson, NV, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Food, fun, friends, fellow artists—it'll all be there. No costume required. If you're anxious for Halloween though, and want to wear one, go for it.
Continue down Water Street as part of the Third Thursday ARTsWALK and visit City Lights Gallery where the work of sixteen artists will be featured. As ever, artists, musicians, and merchants will have a broad range of items on display and for sale in front of the Henderson Events Plaza. And directly across the street, at Plaza Gallery, they will be showing retired exhibition prints, selected from the sixty (Count them. Sixty!) shows they've done since 2002. All framed works will be priced at $50 or less, hence the name "$50 or Less" Show.
Show your face and your support if you can.
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