Artist Joseph Watson shares work and creative expertise with a riveted audience of fellow artists at our January HAA general meeting.
If you're a member of the HAA (or not) and you missed out January meeting, you missed something special. The torrential downpours and flash flooding understandably kept a few of you away but for those intrepid enough to make the trip, it was a special evening. HAA President Deb Mays kicked things off with a list of successes in 2009 and upcoming events for the new year. Andrew Maioli talked a little about the Red Competition which was a resounding success. Then HAA First Vice President Wendy Rountree took the floor to introduce HAA Outside Venues Coordinator Sharon Menary, also our first and featured curtain raiser on the evening. The curtain raiser spot is designed to allow one artist to talk about their work for a few minutes as a precursor to the guest speaker. Sharon took it a step further, opening up and sharing with all of us an abridged version of her colorful life story and everything that has ever inspired her to be the wonderful artist she is today. It was truly a delight to hear. Photos were taken but the light was low and the camera was a little shaky, so you'll just have to go to her site to see the self portrait that was on display by her side and the contents of the several "brag books" she brought with her. Her advice to every artist? Take your art. Make copies. Put them in your brag book. Then, yes, brag. Do so with passion and humility.
Sharon's story was met with a thunderous round of applause. She was a tough act to follow but, rest assured, guest speaker and multi-talented artist Joseph Watson rose to the occasion. Once the UStream feed was set up properly so his lecture could be broadcast live over the web (a first for the HAA), he began. From then on, the story of his rise from humble beginnings as an airbrush artist to his current concept art and licensing successes had us all fully engaged.
Thank you, Sharon and Joseph, for sharing your experiences with us. In large part to your stories, it was an evening not soon to be forgotten. Special thanks also the HAA Board, Georgia Lawson for collecting funds and conducting the 50-50 raffle, members of Club Sport Green Valley for attending and extending a warm welcome to artists at your facility, and to everyone in attendance. Looking forward to February.
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